
Also on ao3: Happy by nightliferogue 

Every morning they each shared a new thing about the other
that they had not known previously before sharing a bed and a home.

 Today Hannibal’s was, “You chew on your pillow.”

 Will scoffed, shaking his head as he rolled onto his side.
“Liar. I don’t…”

 Hannibal pulled the pillow out from under Will’s head and
held it up, a telltale damp spot hard to miss.

 Will glared. “You grind your teeth.”

 Hannibal frowned, “I do no such thing, Will,” he sat up and
started to turn, “You are now only grasping at…”

 Will grabbed his arm, pulling Hannibal back onto the bed
ungracefully and staring down at him where he lay. “I can record it at night if
you want me to, but you’d probably say it’s fake. Video?”

 Hannibal’s eyes narrowed. “You fold your clothes
incorrectly, the left arm should go…”

 Will shook his head, “Un uh,” he put his hand over
Hannibal’s mouth, “One per day, and I quote, ‘It will be a positive
relationship building exercise that will bring us closer together.’ I feel like
so far all we’ve done is list the annoying shit we know now that we didn’t

 Hannibal moved his hand off, “Would you like me to give a
positive one?”

 Will looked away even as Hannibal entwined their fingers,
“If you can think of one.”

 “Your hideous aftershave is not as hideous as I once

 Will laughed, trying to take his hand back but Hannibal held
on. “Oh gee, thanks.”

 Hannibal smiled, sitting up and turning while never letting
go as he moved in closer. Will’s foot touched his own as they sat with their
legs folded into each other, “Not positive?”

 Will’s grin was sly, “Getting there,” he leaned in close to
Hannibal’s mouth, their lips hovering, “You don’t wear underwear all the time.”

 Hannibal ran his hand over Will’s chest, “That is only a
recent development.”

 Will nuzzled his cheek, “You also like to snuggle.”

 Hannibal’s fingers found a nipple and Will hissed, kissing
his neck. “As do you.” 

 “You enjoy getting blood on your hands, and I think secretly
wish you didn’t have to wear gloves when we hunt.”

 Hannibal’s nail pressed into Will’s pectoral, making him
groan, “You knew that already, before this.”

 He moved his hands up to Will’s shoulders and pushed his
head up, their mouths close enough that Hannibal could feel Will’s breath on
his lips. “You look beautiful when you orgasm.”

 Will’s cheeks reddened and he pressed a soft kiss to
Hannibal’s mouth. “So do you.”

 “You also do not know how to properly dispose of a condom.”

 Will laughed, biting his chin, “Fuck you, I do too.”

 “The amount of times I have had to properly clean the…”

 Will put a hand over his mouth. “Positive, Doctor. Not
negative. Also I believe we’ve used up our one a day quota for the week by

 Hannibal’s tongue flicked against his palm and Will pushed
down harder.

 “My turn,” Will mumbled, “Your mouth curls sometimes when
you get excited, angry, happy, or even tired,” he laughed, “Like an angry cat.”

 Hannibal pushed his hand away, “It does…”


 Hannibal’s eyes narrowed. “Positive, Will.”

 Will smiled. “That WAS positive! I think it’s cute!”

 Hannibal leaned in and whispered, “I think I have one.”

 Will swallowed, “Positive?”

 He nodded, pressing a kiss to Will’s mouth before pulling

 “You make me happier than I have ever been.”

 Will’s hands came to his cheeks, his smile soft. “Yeah, I
think that one works for me too.”

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