
I’ve decided to run a little fest for halloween that focuses just on the Hannibal universe in terms of vampirism! I’m sure lots of you have already signed up for Halloween fests so this isn’t anything major- it’s just for fun and there will be no worries if you find you can’t participate. No commitment necessary! 

If you do want to participate, just a little fic or piece of art or graphic, gifset etc under the hashtag #vampirehannibalfest will work. I’ll collate them into a tag and, depending on how many people enter, might even create a side blog to house them all :3 

Ten days before Halloween to give lots of posting time, but it won’t be super strict- post anytime you like. The only rules are: 

– Please tag works appropriately for any CW or TWs

– Tag NSFW stuff as such

– Have fun! 

Other things that might need mentioning:

– Yes, you can hashtag the event on twitter too, or @ me on there- I’m @wholeanddeadly 

– You can definitely do Hannibal Extended Universe works if that’s what you wanna do. Otherwise, any AUs, canon divergence, or post-S3 works are welcome!

Hope people think this looks cool- my partner in crime @printersdevils and I will certainly be cookin some stuff up. Feel free to drop me an ask or a message if you have any questions! 

Many thanks, 

Deadly xo

ps. textless art here if you want a nosey.


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