Adam Raki is never going to get married.

He comes to this conclusion even before the end of his season when the lack of alpha attentions was already overwhelmingly obvious. His father has chalked it up to each alpha not being “his one” and he agrees for most did not seem to be able to stomach him for more than a dance.

At least not after he’d told them the rules of courting him.

Rule #1: No kissing.

Any proper omega worth their salt knew you should not put the cart before the horse and his own father had made these rules so he trusted him to be truthful. So what if he’d seen Bethany in the bushes with nearly every omegan who batted their eyelashes at her? Who cared if he knew Will Graham had already impregnated his omega fiance the day after they met?

Things such as a kiss before a marriage bond were reckless and just something he would never do.

Rule #2: No unsupervised rendezvous.

He knew most omegas once they’d found their someone were more than happy to go gallivanting around in the dark to be near them but that was how unwed and unbonded pregnant omegas were made. He would not go out without a proper chaperone. No matter how handsome or beautiful an alpha was.

Rule #3: No ingestion of liquors or tobacco products.

Adam’s father smokes a pipe and he does not enjoy the scent, not at all, which means he rides  in a separate carriage to every ball. He knows pipes are all the rage though he does not understand the appeal. He will not have a husband who ingests those things nor will he ever do it himself.

Rule #4: No more than one dance.

This rule he often wishes he felt differently on, though he had yet to have an alpha who asked for more than one all season long. He longs at times to get properly danced with, the perfect alpha hold as they move and sway along. That doesn’t seem to be occuring in the near future and he thinks perhaps he should worry about this.

Rule #5: No unseemly conversation.

Adam hears omegas whisper about such talk at balls, giggling behind their hands at alpha’s posturing talk of ‘filling’ and ‘tasting’ that he just will not be a part of. He does not understand that type of talk being anything but inappropriate and disgusting.

He has spent the last few months since he came of age turning most alphas away because of his regimented rules but his father says “those are not your person” which helps his anxious feelings on the subject.

The idea that he may spend the rest of his life dealing with heats alone is not the worst thing as he is not entirely comfortable with strangers.

Also he feels no excitement about going to balls.

Adam more and more is thrilled not to be paid much mind. The events his father brings him to he starts to wander around in more than stay in view of the ballroom.

He spends time in the libraries, the porches, or more often than not, the garden.

It’s there, sitting on a bench in the garden of Lord Renoir’s estate, that he first sees The Man in Black.

Continued in 

Rules to Break When Romancing A Rake ~ Chapters 1 & 2 

This fic is complete and will post a chapter every Sunday. 

Truly, Madly, Deeply – slashyrogue – Hannibal (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 12/22
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Randall Tier, Tobias Budge, Franklyn Froideveaux
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, True Mates, Strangers to Lovers, Murder Husbands, murder fluff, Other Additional Tags to Be Added

They meet by chance at a Christmas Party and share a kiss that seals their fate.

Truly, Madly, Deeply – slashyrogue – Hannibal (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

The Most Dangerous Game – slashyrogue – Hannibal (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Omega Hannibal Lecter, Alpha Will Graham, Strangers to Lovers, Alternate Universe – Canon Divergence

Hannibal knew his heat was about to arrive.

Who would it be this time?

Or, Hannibal has been playing a game during his heats without thoughts to how it could end.

The Most Dangerous Game – slashyrogue – Hannibal (TV) [Archive of Our Own]


A little Basic Chickens skinny-dipping fun for @hannigram-a-b-o-library​‘s #SummertimeSlick and @hannibalcreative​‘s #EatTheRare.

 This is dedicated to @desperatelyseekingcannibals​ (who provided the prompt) and @slashyrogue​, who work hard to fill the @hannibal-extended-universe​ with amazing fics. Love you guys <3<3<3

Also on AO3.

It’s 5am, the sun is rising and Adam Towers can’t sleep. He’d taken this assignment for the potential respite it offered from the humid, tourist-ridden clusterfuck the City always turned into during July. A quick and easy student/teacher scandal to write up and then three uninterrupted days of good food, good beer, and plenty of pretty postgrads to pick from. Instead, he’d failed to get the interview, had picked a restaurant that couldn’t understand why “such a lovely omega” would want a table for one, and had been rejected for a younger model by the cute alpha he’d spent all night flirting with. And he hadn’t bothered to bring even his most modest knotting toy to help him get off (to sleep, or otherwise).

He flings the covers off, unwilling to lie there with his head spinning any longer. He needs to do something, needs to move, to blow out the cobwebs and start fresh. The weekend’s far from over, after all, and he’s not letting one shitty night spoil the whole thing for him. He briefly considers the gym, but the thought of fluorescent lighting and stale sweat on the recycled air makes him grimace. And then he thinks of the perfect alternative – a gorgeous, natural pool he’d passed on his way back from the disastrous non-interview the day before. He’d been too pissed to explore it at the time (the professor, as well as being a lecherous old man, had turned out to be the kind of sexist dick who thought omegas should stay at home, barefoot and pregnant, instead of reporting on predatory assholes like him), but now the thought of cool water and fresh air is irresistible.

He dresses quickly, jeans and a t-shirt all that are necessary in this heatwave, shoves his phone in one pocket, his keycard in another, and leaves his room to the tender mercies of housekeeping. The pool’s only a fifteen-minute walk and he spends it mentally composing the hatchet job he’s going to do on that reprehensible knothead of a professor once he’s unwound a bit. Been a while since anybody’s tried to do him for libel, and this one would take him past Lounds’ record – assuming she’s still alive and the hot cannibal and his husband haven’t gotten her since they last exchanged emails.

He’s just trying on headlines for size – KNOT FOR TEACHER has potential – when he feels the ground sloping away from him and realises he’s reached his destination. The pool is separated from a cluster of little farm cottages by a thick line of trees, marking the beginning of the forest, and they curve all around the water, a curtain of sturdy branches and leaves that flutter in the gentle breeze. In the dusty-gold light of morning, it’s even more beautiful than he’d remembered, the water tinted green but mirror-clear and glimmering.

He pulls off his shirt, shoes and jeans in quick succession, folding them perfunctorily and sparing a prayer to the god of errant journalists that nobody comes by and snatches his belongings, room key and all. Standing in nothing but a pair of very expensive, very skimpy briefs, he takes a quick look around, just to be sure, but it’s still only half-five and there’s no sign of a single, living soul anywhere nearby. So he strips off his undies and stuffs them into his trouser pocket, then hides the whole lot in the tall grass under a couple of rocks. One final check that he’s alone, and then Adam stretches up into the dappled sunlight, feeling the first touch of warmth on his bare skin, before carefully making his way down the bank and into the cool water.

“Oh holy fuck!”

Keep reading

There would be a wedding. 

The Prince had finally presented.

Prince Adam was an alpha.

His second gender was a surprise to many as the Prince had very little alpha traits. The King was overjoyed, boasted to anyone and everyone that he’d known all along, and announced Adam’s accomplishment to a crowd of excited subjects the same morning Adam woke with a knot.

His intended, an omegan princess from Yorkia was summoned immediately and preparations began.

Adam on the other hand, wasn’t exactly thrilled at the idea he would be married to someone he did not know and forced to try to love them.

An arranged marriage made very little sense to him because it seemed to be more arranged for everyone else but those who married.

He decided that because the Princess would have a lengthy travel time, he would escape to the market and experience life as a commoner before being forced into such a marriage.

At the same time not even miles away, Nigel Ibanescu was feeling the beginning effects of an unexpected heat he was pretending didn’t exist.

He had plenty of things to do that were much more important, such as snatch enough coin from the market to pay for his old mare’s shoes and also get a quick drink.

The ache in his joints was troublesome notice for how close his heat was. Nigel hadn’t had a decent partner for a heat in far too long and even longer since he’d been knotted. Still, despite the sudden comings of ache in him, he wasn’t stupid enough to get fucked by an alpha on a heat.

His old mare Franka slugged along the road to the market and Nigel felt wet all over, a feeling that was even worse when he made his destination.

The scent of alpha was overpowering.

He whined and held tight to the reigns, squeezed his legs together as others passed.


The first few that went by him were thankfully not alpha though his slick seemed to worsen by the second. He gritted his teeth and jumped down, tied up the reigns before he headed towards the crowd.

There was definite interest when he went through, though he never came close enough to any alpha to make his heat worse. He bumped into enough betas along the way who were easy targets to filch from.

He had just enough in his purse to get back to Franka when it hit him like a punch to the gut.


Continued in: 

Blue ~ A Spacedogs Regency A/B/O


Hannibal had always thought of his second gender as a weapon until he met Will Graham.

He used it to ensnare unsuspecting alphas in, the scent of such a fertile omega intoxicating to the point of madness in even the most basic among them.

The delight in their eyes at his attention was always so amusing, even more so the alarm as he made the first cut.

Will was different.

The alpha didn’t bat an eye at Hannibal’s scent, his annoyance at being profiled quite endearing to say the least.

Hannibal found himself doing something odd with Will over those first few months. He used his scent to soothe, to entice but not deliver, and flaunted his impending heat in hopes to cause a rut.

But Will, ever the gentleman, did nothing. The alpha had control the likes in which he’d never seen, which only made Hannibal want him more.

He spent his first heat after meeting Will alone, the desperation for him and him only was terrifying in its intensity.

Hannibal went to see Will the day his heat broke. He hoped the last scent of heat would gain his attention but instead Will just seemed happy to see him. He felt quite foolish how just being near Will and pleasing him was its own reward.

Not long after, Will killed Garett Jacob Hobbs and Hannibal grew more enamored than ever.
It did not stop Hannibal in his pursuit, instead he found ways to be around Will, bringing him meals and even ridiculous things for his dogs.

In those first few weeks of their burgeoning connection Hannibal became so focused on Will that he neglected anything else. No murders, no parties, and he cut down his patients.

Still Will seemed oblivious to his intentions.

Continued here: 

Alpha Mine by nightliferogue


Trope: Flower Shop AU (Hannigram AU)

Explicit // M/M // Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham // Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Tropes, Flower Shop AU, Florist Hannibal, Cop Will, ftm omega, ftm Will, Scenting, Awkwardness, Awkward Flirting, Flirting, awesome best friend Bev Katz, Uniform Kink (kinda), slightly manipulative Hannibal, Getting to Know Each Other, Kissing, Texting, Masturbation, Misunderstandings, more kissing, still taking it slow because everyone is an idiot, Dating, Additional tags to be added, Rated E for later chapters
Words: 13,385 Chapters: 3/5

For @hannigram-a-b-o-library #SummertimeSlick Surprise Heat & Scenting

Trope Trope: Exploring fic tropes in an Omegaverse setting :
[Sharing A Bed (Hannigram)] [Coffee Shop AU (Hannigram AU] [Awkward First Meeting (DogsDogs)] [Fake Date (Hannigram)] [Student/Teacher (Aiden/Le Chiffre)] [Stranded Together/Snowed In (Mortimer/Jon)] [Flower Shop (Basic Chickens)] [Sex Pollen (Hannigram AU)] [Stranded Together/Snowed In (Hannigram)] [Friends To Lovers (Hannigram AU)] [Sex to Love (Valhalla Enchanted)] [Sharing A Bed (Tristhad)] [College AU (Hannigram AU)] [Celebrity AU (Spacedogs AU)] [Slave Auction (Basic Chickens AU)] [Celebrity AU (Hannigram AU)] [Food Critic AU (Hannigram AU)] [College AU (Valhalla Enchanted Modern AU)] [Blind Date AU (Hannigram AU & Spacedogs)] [Coffee Shop AU (Spacedogs)] [Magical Healing Penis AU (Hannigram AU)] [Porn Star AU (Hannigram AU)] [Arranged Marriage AU (Hannigram AU)[Flower Shop AU (Hannigram AU)] [MORE COMING SOON]

[Trope Fics on Tumblr]

When surly cop Will Graham walks into Hannibal’s flower shop, he wants to know the omega better. But with past issues and insecurities over how people treat someone who has transitioned from female omega to male omega, Will isn’t going to be easily courted.

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[My Fics on Tumblr] [TigerPrawn on AO3]


[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [23rd July] [30th July] 

Hannibal looked up as the bell above the door rang, the scent hitting him at the same moment he set eyes on his prospective customer.

There was eye contact for a brief moment, in which Hannibal gave a little nod of welcome, before the other man averted his eyes and hesitated before continuing into the shop. Curious. The man carried himself with confidence and yet seemed shy of, or perhaps put off by, the slight attention.

Hannibal went back to the arrangement he was preparing at the station next to the counter, letting the man browse quietly, but taking him in nonetheless. Taking in that interesting, and enticing scent. It was not often one met a male omega, at least one that didn’t try to hide the fact with suppressants and scent blockers.

He’d had a few female omegan lovers in the past, though just as many – if not more – beta, male and female. The scent of either to his adept alpha nose, was not unpleasant. But this was something more unusual. Rich and earthy whilst being delicate, and fresh as a babbling stream. Something unique in the notes it left at the back of his throat. For the first time in his life he had to wonder at the idea of true mates, because nothing had before pulled within him so tightly on little more than a scent and a moment of eye contact.

Even as he smiled at his own ridiculousness, Hannibal kept a furtive watch on the customer until he picked one of the medium sized, pre-wrapped bouquets. He was studying thoughtfully, and with any other customer Hannibal would have gone over and offered assistance. But he found himself hanging back, taking pleasure in watching the man, wanting to see what he would do next with no interference.

The man was perhaps a little shorter than himself, curly wayward hair, and piercing eyes that swam between blue and green. In the past Hannibal had been with very high class men and women, the kind he met in the social circles afforded to his wealth. All very prim and proper with a mutual appreciation of a finely turned out suit. So, it was a little surprising, he found, to be so very drawn to a man wearing worn corduroy pants and a flannel shirt and sporting at least a day’s growth of stubble.

“Is something wrong?” The man’s soft growl and annoyed expression alerted Hannibal to the fact that not only had he been looking the man up and down, but he had been caught in the act of it.

“Not at all, I was wondering if you require any assistance?” He replied in his cool tone, which earned him a frown of suspicion.

“Just these, thanks.” The man brought the bouquet over and laid it on the counter his eyes cast down at them. Hannibal smiled, pleased to see he had chosen one of his special, stylised designs. Hannibal spent a lot of time on them, they were a tad more expensive than the run of the mill arrangements, but worth it as far he was concerned. Each was unique and themed – a design based around an idea executed by the colours and meanings and scents of the flowers chosen.

The pride Hannibal took in these arrangements, together with the unexpected pleasure he felt at the young man’s purchase, had him replying – “each of these arrangements have a set meaning that-”

“Yes, I know. I read the sign.” The man cut him off, still looking down, though his expression – even at such an angle – was clearly exasperated.

Unsure what he could possibly say that might not be met with a curt response, Hannibal gave a nod and rung up the flowers.