On September 13th it will be three years since I wrote my first Hannigram fanfiction. 

I have written 242 full fics on ao3 in that time and countless AU ficlets, some of which became full fics and some that did not. 

I’ve also had fics that gathered dust. 

Now I am asking if there are any you’d like to see more of.

Till Monday, if there are any you’d like to see again I’ll write a short continuation. 

If I get no response then I’ll pick my own favorites and do three of them. 

As always, thank you for your continuing support. 








Absolutely bonkers shit that legitimately happens in NBC Hannibal (an incomplete list):

  • Will beats a furry to death while fantasizing about Hannibal getting off to being beaten to death
  • A man??? Gets folded into an origami heart???????
  • A villains actual honest to god evil plan is to steal Will’s face so that he can eat Hannibal’s penis with it
  • Said villain then gets eaten by his pet eel??? After having his sperm harvested so his sister’s girlfriend can bear his child and inherit his wealth??
  • Honestly just Mason Verger in general: ??????
  • That time Hannibal waves at another serial killer and says “hello I love your work” before killing him
  • Hannibal wears at least four patterns at the same time and no one gouges their eyes out or tells him it looks awful
  • Fish jello treated as a delicacy that the average American would consume without vomiting
  • Feel free to add more
  • “Is your social worker in that horse?”– a legitimate question that gets a rather heartbreakingly sincere “Yes” in response.
  • Hannibal getting caught sniffing Will during their session, then critiquing how he smells and Will deciding this is totally acceptable behavior and coming back for more????
  • Hannibal getting off to Will telling him he’d kill Hannibal with his hands
  • Will sailing across the ocean to find Hannibal in Europe while making a pit-stop at Hannibal’s childhood castle 
  • Hannibal being the King of Pettiness and the Queen of Drama and sending a serial killer after Will’s new pre-assembled family because he did not spend three years in a glass cage manned by his ex-girlfriend and the Disappointing Chilton to be disrespected like this
  • Hannibal stuffing an ear down his only friend’s throat to frame him for murder then murdering the judge that pronounced said friend guilty, because he got lonely.
  • Frederick Chilton’s entire existence
  • Hannibal breaking a guy’s neck out of second hand embarrassment
  • The entire fifthsome scene
  • Hannibal feeding a man his own baked leg and the man’s first comment after taking a bite being ‘My compliments to the Chef’
  • Hannibal straight up making cannibal jokes in front of a Criminal Profiler, three Psychiatrists, a Reporter and an FBI Agent specialized in Behavioral Sciences
  • Hannibal and Will just decide to adopt a daughter together after having known each other for like three days; still aren’t sure if they’re even friends
  • Jack goes to dinner at Hannibal’s house even more often after he finds out it’s all human meat
  • Will spends months having seizures and somehow never has one in front of anyone except Hannibal, nor drives off the road
  • Hannibal eats a Raw Human Lip that was bitten off its native face by someone other than him and then mailed

Some more from the replies and tags:

  • The human cello
  • The man who castrated himself, then flayed the skin off his own back to make wings, then strung himself up in a barn????? (Who could also somehow See evil people??????)
  • The man Hannibal grafted into a tree (not formed into a tree, not stuck branches on, but literally grafted into a living tree)
  • Dolarhyde eating that painting. He just fuckin cronches it
  • The time there is a LIVING BIRD inside a cadaver
  • The human totem pole how could I forget this most iconique creation
  • A pig is used semi-successfully as a surrogate host for a human embryo????
  • Hannibal realizes that he’s heartbroken and LITERALLY says “I have to eat him” (then proceeds to attempt to do so)