
*Storms into hannigram hell with mythology book in hand* 

achilles & patroclus 

 whenever he’s mentioned in the iliad, patroclus seems to be defined by his empathy. he became achilles on the field of war. he died for him there, wearing his armor. hiding and revealing identity is a constant theme throughout the greek epics. as are battle-tested friendships. achilles wished all greeks would die, so that he and patroclus could conquer troy alone. took divine intervention to bring them down.

One Stringed Melody


I know there’s a prompt going around and this is not exactly on point or on time, but hey – it’s Saturday. Excuse enough for another random hannigram conversation.

“Do you remember your first time?”

“What? The first time I …”

“Masturbated, yes.”

“Not a big fan of that word.”

“It is what we were discussing.”

“What you were discussing.”

“In any case.”

“It was a long time ago.”

“Of course.”

“I’m not sure I can say what was the first-”

“That you recall.”

“I don’t know. I was … maybe thirteen.”


“You seriously want details?”

“I’m interested in what you remember.”

“Not much. It wasn’t, you know, something I planned.”

“Go on.”

“It just happened.”

“Nothing precipitated the need?”


“Nothing more immediate?”

“You mean like, was I looking at porn?”

“Were you?”


“That was a decisive answer.”

“I would remember if I was looking at porn.”

“Very well.”

“I hate to burst your little shrink bubble but there’s not much to say. It was quick. Utilitarian. Nothing interesting.”

“That in itself is interesting.”

“I remember the radio was on.”


“Again, nothing special. Just some pop song.”

“I don’t suppose you recall the name.”

“Livin’ on a Prayer.”

“Excuse me?”

“Not a big Bon Jovi fan?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“Are we done now?”

“It does seem to be that time.”

“See you next week then.”

“I look forward to it, Will.”


“Sorry. I just realized I didn’t have my phone. I thought maybe I-”


“Wait. Were you just listening to-”


“You closed that laptop awfully fast.”

“You startled me.”

“Uh huh.”

“I simply reacted.”

“Open it.”

“I was just preparing to leave.”

“Open it, Hannibal.”

“I honestly don’t see-”

“Fine. I’ll open it.”


“I knew it.”

“Innocent curiosity.”

“Nothing you do is innocent.”

“Be that as it may. You said something about your phone?”

“Here it is.”

“All set then?”

“You want me to lock the door on my way out?”

“What are you implying?”

“Was that too subtle for you?”



“Fine. Yes. Lock the door.”


Have you ever imagine Hannibal and Will caught in a moment of peace? This is my version. As you can tell by the scars, it takes place after The Wrath of the Lamb.

It’s available for purchase! 


Pencil on paper
30 cm x 21 cm (11,8 in x 8,26 in)

The title is a musical term referred to an instrumental composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service.

€ 90 + shipping costs 


Feel free to ask any question, you can contact me here: alessia.pelonzi@gmail.com



☆|| Murder Family ||☆

Okay but imagine the murder fam just cozying up under a blanket and watching movies in their family room. It doesn’t get to happen as often because Abigail’s gone to college but when she does get to visit, they all cuddle up under the blanket and pillows and watch some random movie they have laying around the house. Like just imagine Abigail in a messy bun, one of her college tees, glasses, and sweatpants; Hannibal in silk pajama bottoms and a plain white shirt, hair messy and falling into his eyes; and Will in some flannel pajama bottoms also with a plain white shirt. They all pass around a bowl of microwave popcorn (the only non-human, non-organic , non-gourmet thing Hannibal agrees to put in his mouth because it makes Will and Abigail happy & he must admit that it’s pretty delicious).