Self care but not as cutesy


  • Be sure to drink some water. if you dont like the taste of it, drink a soda or add flavoring to the water. drink some OJ. AJ. Chocolate milk, or make some tea or coffee. 
  • Eat. at least something small. a granola bar or maybe a few grapes. a pb & J sandwich or eat some candy. 
  • please do not forget to brush your teeth or hair. if youre drained or cant put much effort do one or the other. 
  • when did you last take a shower? go take one. Too drained or mentally numb? get a washcloth and wipe your face and take a shower when you feel better. 
  • change clothes. i dont care if its from pjs to a new set of pjs. do it. 
  • bathroom. do you need to use it?
  • change your underwear. please do. it feels great believe me.
  • feel like crap and dont want to do much? do a quick 5 minute cleaning whether its ridding trash, or taking dishes up or quickly cleaning off your bed for you to lay back down and stare out the window.
  • play a game on your phone. that shit just helps sometimes.
  • feel groggy? open a window. too hot? place a fan near your feet. 
  • room stink cause its trashy? take out the trash. spray some febreeze or essential oil or a candle. 
  • do some laundry. 
  • dont wanna watch tv cause nothing good is on? put on some cartoons and use it as back ground noise. 
  • 5 minute stretches. 
  • read a book or a page or so. 
  • reorganize something small.
  • sit on your front or back porch if you can. 
  • lay in a sunny warm spot of your home. 
  • cry if you need to.
  • make up your bed. its worth it. 
  • dust something. 
  • get out of the chair or bed for a bit. 
  • give your eyes a rest from technology. 
  • play some music whatever your mood is.
  • take your damn meds. they will help you. its okay.

Please take care of yourself. little by little. and please remember youre doing the best you can, youre valid, youre fighting, youre awesome. Mental health is important. Mental illness sucks. help your body out. your body is you and its keeping you alive.

self care for when you hit rock bottom





i fucking hate self care posts made by neurotypicals so here’s one from someone who Actually Gets It

-can’t shower or take a bath? me either. dry shampoo can make your hair look and feel cleaner, and baby wipes or makeup wipes work great to get the top layer of grime off your skin.

-can’t wash your sheets and make your bed? i feel you. push your blankets out of the way and shake the crumbs off your sheet. it will at least be a bit more comfortable.

-can’t even change out of your dirty pajamas? been there. hit yourself with some febreeze and a lint roller. if you can, brush your hair. if you can’t, hair ties and bobby pins are fantastic.

-can’t make anything to eat? same. if you can, there’s no shame in ordering food. in fact, it’s probably better you eat something rather than go hungry. if you can’t, try and find something that comes pre-made or takes minimal effort to make. at the very least, drink some water.

can’t respond to messages or reach out for help? yeah, i get that. set an alarm for a few hours from now and respond to any messages you need to once you’ve given yourself time to prepare. if they’re Important Messages that need Professional Responses, you can find fill-in-the-blank format rough drafts on google. as far as personal messages go, don’t feel bad for sending a mass “I’m sorry, I’m in a personal emergency right now. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” response to everyone.

-can’t even sleep because it’s so bad? asmr videos always knock me out, personally, but i also watch a lot of bob ross. just try to find something quiet and soothing to use as background noise and take your mind off it, or at least give you a more peaceful environment to think about it.

-can’t go for a walk/drive? try opening the blinds or curtains. you’re still exposing yourself to the outside world. baby steps. (i also play animal crossing or sims; it may be virtual but fuck it. i went on a walk.)

-can’t go into work/school? let people know. let your coworkers or classmates know it’s an emergency and you can’t make it. give yourself up to two days, but then you have to go back. ask to have your work emailed to you so you know what you missed.

-can’t brush your teeth and wash your face? makeup or baby wipes and gum or mouthwash. don’t let yourself physically rot bc you’re rotting emotionally.

-remember that you’ve been here before. if you survived then you can survive now. that’s what this is about- survival. you don’t have to be living your Best Life. right now, it’s more than enough that you’re alive.

Easy foods:

potatoes in the microwave, rice in those round microwave containers (+microwaveable curry sauces in pouches), couscous, hot dogs and bacon (both can go in the microwave), and cup ramen

Walmart has a whole bunch of microwavable meals that arent too bad and if that one package isnt enough by itself then adding it over rice tastes good. And if you find yourself super picky dont worry about just eating a meal of a “snack” food. It’s still something.

And if you need that nap? Take it. Take that nap. Sleep if you feel exhausted. Forcing yourself to stay up will only make yourself miserable. Just make sure if you stay in bed for the most part of the day to elevate your legs and massage them periodically to prevent blood build up in your veins.

Ima reblog this again because I love the stuff added 💖


6 Steps in Learning to Love Yourself


1. See the good in your past. There will always be things that we wish had never happened; there will always be bad memories and things that we regret. But they are part of who you are – so accept that they have happened and celebrate the person they’ve allowed you to become.

2. Invest time in the things that bring you happiness. It’s important to identify the things that you enjoy, and that make you come alive, and are all a part of “you”. Spending time on those things will help to raise your self-esteem, as you’re valuing yourself when you pursue happiness.

3. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. We all make mistakes – and when we think of them we cringe. But that doesn’t make you any worse than other people. Just try and learn what you can, and then move on with your life.

4. Stop criticising yourself. So often we’re really our own worst enemy. We look for our flaws, and we put ourselves down – instead of being understanding of our own limitations. It’s time to change that behaviour – so start loving yourself.

5. Listen to your instincts and intuitions. If you want to love yourself, you must listen to yourself. Pay attention to those instincts and your instant gut reaction – and trust that you are right when you hear that inner voice.

6. Appreciate your life. Of course there are things that you wish that you could change. But some things are good, and are worth appreciating. So, focus on, appreciate, and make lots of your strengths.

How to Cope with not Being Liked


1. Expect some people to reject you. It’s a fact of life that we won’t like everyone – and there will be people who don’t like us. It often has to do with different personalities rather than something being wrong with you.

2. Learn how to brush off rejections and put downs – at the end what matters is how you handle it. If you still act as if you are comfortable with “you” then others will respect you for your healthy self-esteem.

3. It’s often about them and not about you so try not to take rejection personally. Perhaps they are jealous or envious of you; or perhaps they’re just taking their feelings out on you.

4. People rarely see us in absolute terms. There are some things they will like and others they’ll dislike. It may be they hate one particular trait – but we’re a mix of many things – so don’t worry about that.

5. Don’t over-think what other people think or say. Distract yourself, and think of something else instead. They’re not worth the effort or the wasted energy. Just get on with your life and enjoy being you.