
Generous Wendigo Hannibal watches over Will so the ‘monsters’ can’t get to him.

Such a good friend…

There’s a monster in Will Graham’s closet.

He hasn’t seen it but he knows it’s there, breathing, seeing, and ready to eat him when he puts his guard down.

Will hasn’t told anyone because he knows they won’t believe him.

So he’s been staying awake all night, eyes wide open as he stares into the dark, and wondering just how long till the monster decides to eat him up.

Three days into his self imposed insomnia, Will starts to feel his eyes droop. His eyes tear up as he falls asleep and the next morning he wakes to nothing but light.

Maybe the monster was gone?

He goes to Ms. Bleecher’s second grade class that monster free morning with a smile on his face and that night falls asleep without worry.

No more monster.

Thirty years later Will Graham wakes up in a cold sweat to find a monster at the end of his bed.

The monster is pitch black with large antlers, a thin very tall frame, and long nails that he scrape the floor as it moves from side to side. Its eyes glow red as it watches him as if excited for his reaction.

“I thought you were gone,” Will whispers, voice thick with fear.

The monster smiles. “My sweet boy, whatever made you think I’d left?”

“That night,” Will starts, nails digging into the comforter, “You didn’t…I knew you’d eat me if I went to sleep.”

The monster moves with lightning quick action and jumps up onto the bed to pin him down. Will can see its razor sharp teeth and smell blood on its breath.

“You speak as if you didn’t sleep every single night. Those fear filled nights, worrying for your safety? That was me introducing myself to my intended in dreams I gave. You have no idea what real true darkness could have taken you for its own. I protected you from such horror then and have for the last three decades.”

Will’s tears are more angry than afraid and he pushes back at the hands that hold him. “I WAS TERRIFIED!”

The monster leans in and kisses his cheek. “But you were alive,” it says, “And now? You’re MINE.”